You may have noticed, we've set up a links page. On it you'll find lots of lovely links to local and national websites that we find interesting for arts education and IT savvy schools.
One school we've discovered use online communications with their parents and pupils is Bottesford Junior School.
The website has some great newsletters attached and links to their own blogs which children post and upload onto.
Goxhill Primary School seem to take IT very seriously and upload films onto their podcast page. On there they have videos of taiko drumming, circus skills and latest news from the school.
Are your school on Twitter? Many schools nowadays are using twitter as a method of teaching literacy, phonics and numeracy in the classroom. If you're already tweeting, why not follow us? 20-21 have been using twitter for a few years, now, often posting images of exhibitions and curation of shows.
One very successful classroom twitter project is Orange Class's ClassroomTweets, request to follow the IT savvy class, for their often very cute posts and status updates.
We are looking out for schools who blog about art and workshops in their schools. If you are an IT savvy school, writing posts about creative and visual arts, get in touch with us. We'd be happy to add your website to our Links page.