
Below you'll find a list of links we often follow, here at 20-21. This page will be updated as we discover more interesting sites on arts and education.

20-21 online
20-21's official website with news on upcoming exhibitions and all the latest information on Education at the gallery.

20-21 tweets
Follow our tweets from 20-21 Visual Arts Centre. Tweets are by members of staff, eager to tell you what exciting exhibitions are being installed, what workshops we have coming up and what free fundays we have planned for the weekends.

20-21 Facebook friends
"Like" us on Facebook to recieve the latest information and photographs of all things 20-21.

20-21 on Kaddi!
Kaddi is a space where Learning Outside the Classroom Quality venues are advertised. Kaddi is linked to the school's Evolve booking system, which can make planning your trip a lot easier!

Paint By Numbers
John Leggott College staff and students use this blog to inform you of their latest trips, artworks and artist visits.

Brumby Junior School
Brumby's Creative workshops blog is really interesting to follow what the children are creating during their workshops. Lots of bright colours and fab ideas; a really inspiring visit!

An avid arts blogger
Letitia Thompson, local artist, art teacher and art blogger, to boot! Letitia documents all the things she sees as inspiring, and tells all in her beautiful blog. See if you can tell how many times she's visiting/exhibited at 20-21!

Roger Lee
A sculptor from Lincolnshire. Take a look through the photos on his blog for some inspiring sculptures.

The Tate Galleries are at the forefront of art culture in England. This site is aimed specifically at kids, with games and craft ideas gallore!

The Big Draw is an annual national campaign to encourage drawing for all ages.

Reading, writing arithmetic
An amazing article, in TES Sept 2012, about arts in early education. Education at 20-21 suggest this read to anyone who is passionate about arts education in schools.

A great blog!
This Earlyarts blog has some very interesting articles about measuring quality arts for children and how important it is to ensure an arts offer is quality.

Show me!
An interactive site making education fun and accessible for all.

Online safety
Think U Know is a nationally recognised scheme that trains teachers, council staff and children in online safety. The website is full of handy hints and tips on ensuring sfaety online for kids.