Wednesday 6th March saw the first Teacher Twilight at 20-21, for a few years. The session was delivered in conjunction with Laura Fox, AST and Arts Coordinator for
Brumby Junior School, and with Ian Till, former DT teacher and DT assessor.
The morning opened with a quick introduction to 20-21 Visual Arts Centre, just before a presentation on the new proposed Art and Design Curriculum, delivered by Laura.
Laura introduced the new curriculum with enthusiasm and spoke about the three basics that were being asked of Primary Schools: Sketchbooks, Artist Research and Making. Currently, a very broad scope to deliver really exciting arts projects and classes.
Brumby Junior School run a scheme in the Summer Terms, called Creative Workshops. Click
here to see for yourself, the superb creativity taking place in the classrooms. Laura spoke about how this scheme is delivered, how excited children become and what a success the project is proving to be. For more information on Creative Workshops, get in touch and we can put you in contact with the school.
Ian spoke breifly about the new Design and Technology proposed curriculum, and how frustrating it can be that DT isn't always at the forefront of agendas, but how crucial critical and design thinking is for children. His talk was inspirational in thinking about how design and technology studies, from such an early age count towards understanding further subjects in the future.
Some of the teachers hadn't been to 20-21 before, so we hosted a quick tour of all the gallery spaces and what exhibitions to expect in the near future. The tour made use of the Self Guided Tour Pack, which has facts on the history of the building, as well as on current exhibitions. It was useful for teachers to envisage the sapce in which workshops and visits happen.
We watched the whole of Sharmanka's Gothic Kinetic exhibition and returned to the Education Room to watch demonstrations of workshops on offer that fit the themes and materials of the Sharmanka show.
Ian's workshop displayed many automata and tabletop strcutures that are workable and suitable for any classroom. It included a piece of our Moving Toys Loan Pack, that we are looking to revive for the Sharmanka show.
Hayley, our Education Officer, gave a 10 minute demonstration on how Shadow Puppetry can be used in any classroom, as a topic starter, using lots of items found around the home, schools and classrooms.
People in the room were all handed a folded piece of paper with a number on, and on request unfolded the paper to read a section of our story.
At this point in our story, a ghost had suddenly appeared at a haunted house.
The ghost was then ate our main character, before going back home to his haunted house.
Setting a new scene for a different part of the story: a fairground with a clown.
Being innovative with resources isn't hard, when realising the possibilities of recognisable objects. Children would, more than likely see things before we had even noticed them. Shadow Puppetry is an offer from our Education service that can be adapted to suit many curriculum subjects and topics. The Shadow Puppet pack can go out on loan to any school, for up to one half term. The pack can be adapted to suit your school's needs.
The basic pack includes:
- A tabletop shadow screen, inclusive of theatrical velvet curtains and sturdy feet.
- An over head projector.
- Four acetate sheets.
- A bucket of de-barked twigs.
- Scraps of coloured semi - transparent materials.
- Reflective silver plastic sheet.
- And much more.
Overall, the Teachers Twilight was a great success with astounding feedback results from Infants through to KS4. Links were made, questions were answered and a more solid understanding of what we offer at 20-21, was appreciated:
"Good resources. Open ended outcomes."
"Vaired and explored different avenues for educational development."
"Really clear ideas for how to develop Art/DT through workshops in schools."
"Very good [delivery]. Shared passion."
"Interesting to see the ideas developed from the exhibition."
"Lots of ideas to take back to the classroom... Interesting and engaging... Current issues were identified... It's easy to book places."
For information on any of the topics and opportunities discussed in this blog post, get in touch with our Education Officer Hayley McPhun on 01724 297074 or for an informal chat about what we can offer to suit your school/class.