Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Creative Curriculum at Brumby Juniors!

A few weeks ago, we blogged about Brumby Juniors using our workshops and exhibitions as starting blocks for their creative curriculum for the summer term. Last week, our Education Officer went into the school to deliver a session on making puppets for Mrs Pitois' shadow puppet performance at the end of term.

Children have chosen to work on two stories. One story being that of the football game that took place on the front line of the secod world war. What imagery this conjurs up! This group are making lines of soldiers that march along to soundscapes of the world war, with air raid sirens and gun fire.

The other story is one of a woman and a flying head. The flying head tries to eat the woman during a trip gathering crops in the local forest. The woman spites the flying head after several failed attempts to defeat him, by cooking a hot stone and throwing it into his mouth. The children made some beautiful birds on sticks, that, as a result of our workshop are now flying birds, because we attached hinges for moveable wings.
One table of pupils worked especially hard to create a very large flying head, with a moveable jaw. The detailing was excellent!

All in all, it was great to be a part of Mrs Pitois' creative curriculum and to introduce shadow puppetry to some very interested pupils! No photos appear, because we have been kindly invited to the showcase day, at which we hope to take lots of photos and post them on our blog.

We are revisiting the school, this week, and are going to Mrs Musgrave's class who are studying Everyday Objects and recycling in art, as their theme. This class used Sharmanka and Jason Taylor as their starting point during a Self-Guided visit.

Stay tuned for most posts about how we are working with Brumby Juniors to enhance their creative curriculum, and for pictures of the beautiful work they're making!