20-21 Visual Arts Centre has world with world renowned children's author and illustrator, Nick Sharratt, to develop Pirates, Pants and Wellyphants: The Illustrated World of Nick Sharratt, which opened at 20-21 Visual Arts Centre on Saturday 25th October and runs until 21st February 2015.
Nick joins the visitors in doodling on our drawing wall
On what was one of the busiest weekends in 20-21's history, there were huge queues to meet the man himself - which just goes to show how Nick's distinctive illustrations have captured the imaginations of children and adults alike.
Ahoy there! - The giant neoprene costumes have gone down a storm
There are a number of educational opportunities available with this exhibition, from self-guided tours to workshops. For more information, please contact us on our education email, education.2021@northlincs.gov.uk or call us on 01724 297070.